
Men&Emotions Workbook

Men & Emotions Workbook

Brian Mujuru

  • Category - Mindfulness
  • ISBN - 979-8484442102


This Workbook is a resource that addresses the emotional challenges that men face every day. Some of the issues may be due to past experiences, cultural upbringing or traditions and beliefs. The Workbook identifies and discusses issues that men have to deal with every day, issues like anger, pride, fear, etc.

The Workbook will refer to my book, Tears of a Husband, which narrates my journey through a season of barrenness. My wife and I waited, believing God for the fruit of the womb for close to 10 years. I was overwhelmed by so many emotions that I had no idea how to manage in that season. Having been raised to “man up” and not show any emotions, I struggled with the pain and emotional upheaval that came with the journey of waiting and having to accept the possibility that I may never have children. Like me, I believe that many men were raised to ‘man up,’ which influenced how we respond to life’s challenges.

The Workbook is interactive and contains questions and exercises to trigger some self-introspection. It is in three parts, each dealing with different emotional issues and how to deal with them. The aim is to set you free from emotional bondage.

We briefly explain the issue, how it may manifest, and what problems it may cause in each session. To highlight and address the problem for better understanding, we will use the following:

  • Examples
  • Scenarios
  • Reflections
  • Questions

For this Workbook to best work for you, you must engage with the exercises and apply the coping strategies to your circumstances.